My friend Rachelle tagged me in their blog to go to my sixth folder and grab the sixth picture and then tag six people to do the same. Here is my picture.
This picture is of when Jackson was born! I love this memory and feel so blessed to be a mom.
Now I tag Kristi, Stacey, Carina, Teresa, Carrie and Kristine...
We moved into our new apartment in Renton in April and we love it. I've been really busy trying to get unpacked and settled.
Jackson got a new high chair because he was getting too strong for the mini high chairs that strap to a dining chair. He loves his new high chair that Grandma Jackson got for him. Mom and Dad love it too because it's nice and sturdy and matches our dining room table.
Jackson is growing up so fast and has such a great little personality. I love staying home with and being able to capture all the fun new things he is doing.
Here are some more cute pics.
We also went to the park that is near our house on Mother's Day. Jackson wasn't a huge fan of the swing for the first time so we'll work on that. He did enjoy walking lakeside and checking out the ducks.
I can't believe Jackson turned 1. I feel like it was only a few months ago that he was born and that we were on our way home from the hospital. Times goes way too fast!
We had a wonderful time with family for Jackson's 1st Birthday Party. Kyle and Mike (Craig's Brothers) and Kyle's girlfriend were able to come over for the weekend from Spokane. Kristi (Craig's Sister) and Sean and the girls came, my brother Doug and his wife Wendy, Grandma Jackson and Steven, and Great Grandma and Grandpa Longmate were able to share his birthday with us. He was a bit overwhelmed with all the people and festivities but I think he really enjoyed the day. After the party , the Sasser side went to the park and hung out since it was such a beautiful day.
Thanks to everyone that came. We sure love spending time with family.
Grandma Sasser - We missed not having you here with us but will celebrate with you in June! We love you!
Craig and I met on Craigslist. Stephanie was living in Newcastle, WA at the time and Craig was living in Eugene. Stephanie had decided she wanted to see if she could meet some new friends thru Craigslist and Craig responded while he was up in Seattle for Thanksgiving. Out of 150 responses that Stephanie received from her personal ad, she emailed 2 back. One was Craig's. Stephanie was a bit surprised to hear that Craig actually lived in Eugene but we didn't let that get in the way of us falling in love. We spent the whole next week talking on the phone all night long and then Stephanie decided to jump on a plane Saturday morning and meet Craig for the first time. We knew already we were in love but had to seal the deal by meeting in person... The next 7 months were a whirlwind. Stephanie sold her condo in Newcastle, quit her job, and moved to Eugene. We purchased a home in Eugene in May where Craig lived the bachelor life until the wedding. Steph moved down from Seattle a few days before the wedding and we got married July 22,2006.